Do What You Can Where You Are

women holding hands

In the last couple of weeks, I have had many clients coming in with the same question – what can I do to make change in racial issues in the world?

I usually start by talking about how looking at these issues on a world scale can be very overwhelming. There are so many facets that have an impact on these issues all over the world. To think about it in a global way only leads to feeling helpless and hopeless.

So what can you do? You can do what you can where you are. In your city or town, in your school or workplace, in your state or region. These are things that you can do to affect change.

But where do I get started? Many communities and other aspects of different states and countries have a variety of options for those who wish to be part of making change in their society.

There are organizations for discussion and planning. There are organizations for understanding and learning. There are organizations for legislation and government. There are organizations for political candidates. They are organizations for schools and colleges. There are organizations associated with the workplace.

You can reach out to national organizations about starting a branch in your community if there is something you would like to see offered.

If your community does not have a lot of these options, then you can find like-minded individuals around you and start some yourself. Every organization starts with a few people who are passionate about a cause and you can be that starter.

If we look at things in more manageable sizes they do not seem so overwhelming. When we are able to do things in smaller chunks we can find that we do not feel helpless or hopeless. We feel involved and productive.

If you go to a protest in your community or make a sign and stand on the sidewalk at your house or you wear a tee shirt when you are out running errands or you become involved in organizations in your community or you start an organization. These are the smaller chunks of things that you can do where you are. If you add each one together they become something bigger touching more people.

Change on a large scale starts with change on a small scale – a single person’s mind and heart spread to another and another. Can you change everyone’s mind? No, but you might change one persons or several people with words and/or action.

If you have been asking some of these questions – do what you can where you are.

Until next time,